Vulnerable Women Empowerment in Armenia 2023
The “Vulnerable Women Empowerment in Armenia-2023” project is co-funded by the Saint Sarkis Charity Trust ant Association Arménienne d’Aide Sociale and implemented by the Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development.
Le Coq Français 2024
The “Le Coq Français” contest was created in 2017 by the Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development and the Association Arménienne d’Aide Sociale to promote the French language in Armenia.
In 2024, over 2,500 pupils took part in the competition.
Vulnerable Women Empowerment in Armenia
Le Coq Français 2023
Since 2017, the “Le Coq Français” contest has been run on the initiative of the Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development and the Association Arménienne d’Aide Sociale, as part of the Francophonie month in Armenia. The final event is hosted by the French University in Armenia. The French Embassy in Armenia and the Institut Français are partners of the 2023 edition of the competition.
“Social and Economic Inclusion of Vulnerable Women in Armenia” project 2022
Le Coq Français 2022
Created in 2017 by the Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development, the “Le Coq Français” contest brings together the best pupils from French-speaking public and private schools in Yerevan and other regions of Armenia. Annually, this grand event assembles a mosaic of more than 2 000 students, converging to demonstrate their prowess in the realm of the French language.
Génération Sport 2021
Since 2020, the Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development Durable, in partnership with the UEFA Foundation for children, has been implementing the “Génération Sport” project to promote sports activities among Armenian youth. In 3 years, 66 schools have received sports equipment. Sporting events and meetings with sportsmen and women take place regularly, much to the delight of the children during the implementation of the project.
AAAS project: Awareness of CAM
In October 2021, A-MCA and the Association Arménienne d’Aide Sociale signed a partnership agreement to work for the well-being of employees by offering them the opportunity to take part in activities using complementary and alternative medicine.
This partnership is part of the call for projects launched by the Fondation de France – won by the AAAS and the A-MCA – aimed at supporting the employees of EHPADs affected by health crises. For more details please see the AAAS Annual Report 2021.
The project is implemented with the support of the Fondation de France.
Portrait of Ghislaine, Caregiver at the EHPAD Résidence l’Eglantier in Gonesse
Portrait of Emily, Nurse at the EHPAD Résidence l’Eglantier in Gonesse
Portrait of Yvane, Sophrologist at the EHPAD Résidence l’Eglantier in Gonesse
Portrait of Véronique, Managing Director of A-MCA
PASA at the EHPAD Résidence l’Eglantier in Gonesse